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Bob & Me

Bob and Me was a personal project for the author, he had written stories from his time working in the oil industry with his friend Bob, and compiled them in to a book for his and Bob’s family to remember them fondly with. His only plan for this book was to give them to family afterwards. When I finished this project and showed it to him, the personal touch I gave to the cover based on the stories in the book brought a tear to his eye.

The entire style of the design is made to resemble an old oil company’s art direction, it’s logos, color pallette, etc. Strong, Bold title, red/white/blue colors in the forefront of logo designs, overall simple and bold designs.

The photo on the cover of the book is made from one of his stories within the book; one of his fondest memories, something you could set your watch to, was that he and bob would go to lunch every day to a restaurant called Samuel’s, where he would order the “Hot Beef Sandwich, two slices of bread, two large scoops of mashed potato, and covered in gravy and meat all for $1.25.” Based on this description from the book I went to an old school family restaurant with my camera, ordered their Hot Beef Sandwich and got to shooting, recreating a meal that had sat in front of him so many times for so many years. I included a reciept in the foreground that included all of the information from his description, along with finding the original address of Samuel’s Family restaurant and all their information, as best as I could, to include on the top as well.

As personal as this book design is, it also works for those who have no idea about the connection from the cover. It is very eye-catching, grabs attention, and makes people want to know what the story is behind this delicious meal.

I really enjoyed bringing this cover to life and presenting him with something that filled his heart and immediately brought back beautiful memories from his life. It will always be one of my favorite projects for that reason.

Project Details

  • Book Cover Design
  • Photography
  • Photo Manipulation
  • Project Completed: 2013
Launch Project

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